European projects
For AVENIA, taking part in European projects is essential to its roadmap as a competitiveness cluster. These projects involve coordinating and supporting actions designed to stimulate collaborative innovation in fields of activity linked to the subsurface industries.

Discover the European projects in which AVENIA is currently involved

Knowledge transfer to broaden EU excellence in advanced technologies, sustainability and research management, on the theme of critical and strategic mineral resources (metals, minerals, materials).
Period: 01/06/2024-31/05/2027
Grant Agreement Number: 101159826
Role AVENIA: partner

AVENIA is a partner in the PilotSTRATEGY research project, which aims to characterize CO2 geological storage sites in industrial regions of southern and eastern Europe to support the development of large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS). Research is focused on deep saline aquifers in the Paris Basin in France, the Lusitanian Basin in Portugal and the Ebro Basin in Spain. Studies are also being carried out in western Macedonia in Greece and Upper Silesia in Poland.
Period: 01/05/2021-30/04/2026
Grant Agreement number: 101022664
Role AVENIA: partner

CIRAN is a European project designed to promote sustainable development through a new approach to the supply of critical raw materials in protected areas. These resources have been identified by the European Union as crucial for industrial development and the implementation of clean technologies. Guichet de financement : Funded by the European UnionAVENIA's role: member of the expert group

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative technological solution combining the extraction of critical raw materials and energy from geothermal fluids in order to reduce the European Union's dependence on imported resources, thus supporting the Green Pact for Europe. Guichet de financement : Funded by the European UnionAVENIA's role: member of the stakeholder committee

MADITRACE is a European project coordinated by BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières) which aims to enhance the transparency, traceability and sustainability of complex supply chains for critical raw materials such as cobalt, lithium, graphite and rare earths. Its aim is to develop and integrate technological solutions for traceability and certification in a Digital Product Passport. These solutions will enable major industrial players to prove the reliability of their sustainability claims, comply with current regulations and anticipate future policies. Guichet de financement : Funded by the European UnionAVENIA's role: member of the expert committee

BATMASS aims to implement the EU's first "Circular Battery Valley". It proposes a portfolio of inter-regional investments in TRL6+ innovations in circular battery materials technologies. Guichet de financement : Co-financed by the European UnionAVENIA's role: member of the expert group
Discover the European projects in which AVENIA has been involved

The PIXIL project was aimed at cross-border (France-Spain-Andorra) and multidisciplinary scientific-technological collaboration, with the aim of developing cutting-edge tools for analyzing the earth's subsurface, and in particular for promoting geothermal energy in the region. PIXIL was clearly geared towards modern geophysical imaging research. Guichet de financement : PoctefaRole AVENIA: partner

The aim of the project was to build a metacluster to bring together European know-how, technologies and experience in geoenergy, with an emphasis on SME offerings and a focus on deep geothermal energy. With over 600 members, including more than 300 SMEs, from 23 EU countries, GEO-ENERGY EUROPE covers the entire deep geothermal energy value chain. Guichet de financement : COSMERole AVENIA: coordinator (GEE1) then partner (GEE2)