Programme for Industrial CO2 Transport Utilisation or Storage

The PICTUrS program is a project incubator dedicated to industrial carbon management. Its mission is to initiate exploratory studies and develop them into concrete industrial projects, thereby helping to reduce CO2 emissions and combat climate change.

PICTUrS provides a structured framework for setting up a consortium of partners within a well-defined technical scope, once the studies have reached a level of operational maturity. At this stage, studies can be transformed into independent industrial projects, ready for large-scale implementation.

By acting as a facilitation platform, PICTUrS also encourages the involvement of local stakeholders, ensuring that each project is firmly rooted in the specific characteristics of the territories in which it is deployed.

- PICTUrS members
- Industry's share of France's national greenhouse gas emissions makes it a key sector for achieving France's climate objectives.
- million tonnes of CO2 in annual injection capacity by 2030 in Europe according to the NZIA (Net Zero Industry Act)

Raison d'être


Territorial roots: a response adapted to local issues

A territorial approach is essential to ensure the effectiveness of decarbonization initiatives such as those proposed by PICTUrS. Needs and resources vary considerably from one region to another, making a one-size-fits-all approach ineffective. By focusing on territories, PICTUrS makes it possible to adapt Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technologies to local specificities, whether in terms of existing infrastructure, existing industries or geological conditions. This localized approach also promotes social acceptability and the mobilization of local players. By developing tailor-made solutions for each territory, PICTUrS contributes to more targeted, efficient and sustainable decarbonization.

Collaborative innovation: a gas pedal of progress

Collaborative innovation is at the heart of AVENIA's activities. By bringing together companies, research centers, academic institutions and the public sector, PICTUrS encourages synergies between players. CCUS projects require a wide range of skills, from geoscience and engineering to economics and regulation.

Actions taken

Carried out

Participation in the ICM Forum

PICTUrS presented two posters at the ICM Forum in Pau in October.

Carried out

New Website

The PICTUrS website is now online

Actions in progress

In progress

Mineralization study

An R&D study involving several PICTUrS members is currently underway on CO2 mineralization in ancient volcanic rocks.

In progress

CO2 Capture Connect" workshop

Join us on January 30 at Les Halles de Pau for a day dedicated to CO2 capture technologies. Program: Plenary session: Overview of current CO2 capture technologies; Case studies: Project presentations and feedback; Future projects: Overview of upcoming initiatives; Networking lunch (provided on site); Round tables: Business models and financing / Regulations / Societal acceptance. The day will close with a networking cocktail at the Pavillon des Arts, generously donated by the Communauté d'Agglomération Pau Béarn Pyrénées. This will be an excellent opportunity for informal discussions and new encounters, with the support of Baker Hughes and GENESIS.

In progress


The program is steered by a steering committee led by AVENIA.

Join our program

Program exclusively reserved for AVENIA members and subject to validation by the steering committee.

Contact us Contact us
Lionel PICTUrS program manager